Monday, April 27, 2009

Equal Pay Day!

Today is Equal Pay Day. I have a lot to say on this topic but because we're closing on our house this afternoon(!!!) I don't have time.

I'd just like to point out a couple of things

In 2008 women made $0.77 on the dollar. Women of color made $0.66!!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What She Said! Or, Why I Love HRC

If you don't feel like watching all 3 1/2 minutes, let me sum it up for you:

-Policies that permit ALL forms of family planning methods (including abortion) coupled with good and affordable healthcare for women has been PROVEN to lower the abortion rate

-Policies that limit women's access to any method of contraception or birth control and that are accompanied by policies that cut funding for the health care of women and children RAISE the abortion rate

1992-2000 abortions were at the lowest level since Roe v. Wade was passed
2000-2008 abortion rates went up

Monday, April 20, 2009

Why My Vagina Is Hostile...

A few days ago I started a blog titled "Her Royal Blogginess," which I meant to take from "Her Royal Bitchiness," which is my nom de guerre for particularly foul moods.

However, in my Biology of Women class we often talk about how the vagina maintains a low pH which helps keep bacteria at bay but can often be a hostile environment for sperm. So, aside from just thinking that the phrase "hostile vagina" is hilarious to read, write, and say out loud, it conjures up anti-patriarchal sentiments in me.

I also appreciate that it combines the very thing that is used to define women in our society (reproductive organs) with a tool that is often used to silence women (accusations of anger).

***for a hilarious take on how the misogynistic Right uses the image of the "angry women" to silence us, look here:***

So, that's how this acerbic feminist came up with the title "Hostile Vagina" on a cold and rainy April afternoon before a Biology test.

Take the Leap to Cruelty-Free Products

A guide to cruelty free shopping

Who Am I? What Am I About?

As a general rule I am going to aim to not have long, rambley, stream of consciousness posts because I'd like 2 or 3 people to follow this blog. Maybe even half a dozen some day. Today, though, will not be one of those days. I'm going to lay out for the world, including myself, what I believe. This will be boring to most.

One of the purposes of this blog is to have space to lie out my random thoughts. My thoughts do tend to be of a political nature. But I don't think that they are particularly dogmatic. I have long identified myself as a Christian and a Democrat and I've managed to have little conflict within myself despite that. However, I'm beginning to move away from both of these labels. I think I like the concept of both more than I like how either actually functions.

That's pretty obvious with Christianity. I'm certainly not in line with mainstream evangelical beliefs. I don't believe that homosexuality is wrong. At.all. And even if I did believe it was wrong, I certainly don't think religion has any place in deciding public policy (e.g. same-sex marriage laws). And my opinion on abortion is that I'd never have one and I'd like them to be as rare as possible, but again, I don't think the government as any right what-so-ever to legislate what goes on in a woman's uterus. Both of these beliefs would probably move me out of the nice, neat little Christianity box but fit nicely into the Democrat box. But does my belief in Jesus Christ earn me a pass back in the C box? If so, I'll probably be removed again after expressing my opinion the the Apostle Paul is given way more credence in Christianity than he actually deserves.

Now that I'm squarely in my Democrat box, what can I do to get out? Well, a big problem I have with the Democratic party's powers that be is this GIANT chasm between what they claim to believe in and what they actually do in office. Democrats are SUPPOSED to believe in same-sex equality and helping the poor but our current Pres Obama (who I did vote for and do fully support) has said he doesn't support same-sex marriage. Fuck.that.shit. That pisses me off. And our last Pres Clinton who was supposed to be such a man of the people but instated TANF and seriously reduced the amount of cash assistance (yes, that's welfare) to poor and needy families. And I repeat: Fuck.that.shit. I won't even get started on "don't ask don't tell." So, I guess that doesn't kick me out of the box it just leaves me feeling cold and uninspired by our "leaders."

I think I need to find less mainstream institutions for solidarity. Fortunately the interwebz makes that a little easier. I'm involved in a community of animal lovers that support my animal rights activism side. And there is a rich and diverse network of bloggers who write and react to other issues I care about like: Feminism, Sex Slavery, GLBTQ issues, and many, many more crazy hippy liberal ideals.

So, there is is. That is the slant my blog posts will favor and those are the main issues I will probably blog about.

Her Royal Blogginess Rei(g)ns It In

Really? A blog? You need your own blog? For what?

While I do realize that many times bloggers are perceived as "anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives." or just another "frustrated writer who now types away every night in the hopes that some bored, fucked up sap on the internet will come across his/her penned jewel and become a loyal follower." (thank you Urban Dictionary) I've decided I don't care and either of those descriptions really could be used to describe me.

There are two real reasons I am staring this blog, however. The first being that I LOVE blogs. I love to read them and respond and most require some kind of log in to comment... so, I'll just create a blogspot log in. The second is because I often think of strange things or see interesting articles and pictures and I want to share them but because some might be offensive, I'd rather not share them in more "public" spaces like Facebook.

I'll probably post and write about the usual: dogs, politics, feminism, and school.